We thank our community for the ongoing support that makes our dynamic exhibitions, events and education programs possible!
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Contact peninsulamuseum@gmail.com
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- Use Escrip
Sign up today and earn for the museum using Group ID: 500046524
Online Mall - Earn up to 16% from purchases at over 1,000 name brand merchants
Escrip Dining - Earn up to 5% per dollar spent - including tax and tip at thousands of participating restaurants.
Store Card Programs - Earn up to 5% of your families’ purchases at local grocery and other merchants such as Dreagers, Lunardi's, Molly Stones and more.
- Order with Amazon Smile
Shop at Amazon and designate Peninsula Museum of Art as your charity of choice. Simply select Peninsula Museum of Art and Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to the museum.
- Corporate Matching
Just ask your Human Resources department if your company matches gifts donated to 501c3 organizations.
Please contact peninsulamuseum@gmail.com for inquiries about Peninsula Museum of Art support including Donations, Underwriting and Naming opportinities.