There are many other ways you can join and support Peninsula Museum of Art.

We thank our community for the  ongoing support that makes our dynamic exhibitions, events and education programs possible!

  1. Become a PMA Member
  2. Join the creative dialogue
    Participate in our exhibitions, events, and classes
  3. Spread the word
    Tell-a-friend and Bring-a-friend
  4. Use Social Media
    Like, follow and share posts on our  Facebook Twitter and Instagram pages
  5. Volunteer
    Become a volunteer or docent
  6. Use Escrip
    Sign up today and earn for the museum using Group ID: 500046524
    Online Mall - Earn up to 16% from purchases at over 1,000 name brand merchants
    Escrip Dining - Earn up to 5% per dollar spent - including tax and tip at thousands of participating restaurants.
    Store Card Programs - Earn up to 5% of your families’ purchases at local grocery and other merchants such as Dreagers, Lunardi's, Molly Stones and more.
  7. Order with Amazon Smile
    Shop at Amazon and designate Peninsula Museum of Art as your charity of choice. Simply select Peninsula Museum of Art and Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to the museum.
  8. Corporate Matching
    Just ask your Human Resources department if your company matches gifts donated to 501c3 organizations.

Please contact for inquiries about Peninsula Museum of Art support including Donations, Underwriting and Naming opportinities.


Website by Werner Glinka